Calling All Sellers! - Issue 358

As a standard for anyone interested in real estate, and especially for homeowners looking to buy or sell, planning and attention to detail are both crucial. So, if you're anything like me and considering selling, it's important to carefully consider the timing of the listing.  While there are benefits to selling in any season, there are some unique advantages to listing your home during the spring months.

Increased Demand

Spring is the most popular time of year for homebuyers. The weather is mild, gardens are blooming, and people are ready for changes. This increased demand can lead to higher offers and faster sales. With more buyers in the market, there’s a greater chance you’ll meet the perfect buyer for your home. Even with the higher interest rates, demand has remained strong and sellers would be smart to hone in on this opportunity.  

More Inventory

Spring is also the time when many homeowners begin listing their homes, creating a higher inventory of homes on the market. While this might seem like a disadvantage, it may actually work in your favour. With more homes to choose from, buyers are more patient and may wait for the perfect home to come on the market. This means that your home will have a better chance of being seen and appreciated by potential buyers. That said, homes that are properly prepared for the market will still sell for more and outsell the competition even with increased inventory levels.  

Curb Appeal 

The changing of the seasons brings with it plenty of natural beauty - trees are blooming, grass is green, and flowers are in full bloom. This can make your home more attractive to potential buyers, creating more curb appeal. By landscaping, gardening, or even putting out your outdoor decorations or furniture, you can easily enhance your home’s curb appeal and leave a great impression on potential buyers.

Higher Sales Prices

Because of this increased demand, homes listed during this season tend to sell for higher prices than those listed at other times of the year. This is especially true for homes that are well-maintained, staged properly, and marketed effectively. By taking the time to prepare your home for sale, you can increase its value and attract higher offers. 

Faster Sales

Spring is also the season when homes tend to sell the fastest. This is because there are more buyers in the market, creating a sense of urgency to find the perfect home. By listing your home during spring, you can take advantage of this sense of urgency and sell your home quickly. This is especially true if you work with our experienced Realtors® who know how to effectively market and sell homes during this season.

If you've been thinking about selling your home, spring is an excellent time to take the plunge. With increased demand, higher sales prices, faster sales, and more inventory to choose from, you can really take advantage of the unique benefits that come with listing your home during this season. Listing in the spring, especially with a Realtor® who has a proven strategy, your chances of attracting the perfect buyer and getting the best possible offer increases your chances of success.

Thanks to everyone who came out to our Empowered Homeowner seminar this week. We had a great turnout and we are looking forward to hosting more events like this in the future!

Thanks for reading.

Have a great weekend.

Paul Fitzpatrick

Broker of Record 

Keller Williams Home Group Realty

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