There’s no doubt that our lives have been radically changed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. It has affected the way we do work and school, travel, how we socialize, and more. Moreover, being confined in our homes for nearly 3 months has made us see it in a new light. We’re getting to know what features don’t work for us, and what will be beneficial for our families if we are ordered to stay at home for longer. After all, there’s nothing more important than having a safe and comfortable shelter for our families.


This is why experts predict that home buyers entering the market once the risk of the virus subsides will have a whole new set of priorities in their home search. Unless you’re the type who can fully DIY, fixer-uppers won’t be the first choice for buyers, since contractors may not be available to work extensively in the home. Likewise, an open floor plan may not be as desirable as it once was, especially if you’re working at home with your partner while homeschooling the kids. 

Here are five ways the current health crisis could change future buyers’ ‘must-have’ lists:


As more and more people are embracing remote work to help curb the spread of the virus, there’ll be higher demand for homes with an office that’s both comfortable and functional to promote productivity. According to, listings featuring an office command a more than 3 percent price premium and sell 9 days faster than listings without the feature. 

So whether it’s an entirely separate room or simply a dedicated work area with convenient electrical outlets, ample desk or counter space, and a quiet atmosphere, we suggest sellers highlight those characteristics when listing their home for sale. 

For smaller homes that can’t accommodate a full office, there are ways to make your home shine in the eyes of potential buyers. Popular alternatives may include carving out an office space in the kitchen, an upstairs landing, or underneath the staircase.  Using staging to showcase an at-home workspace is a great way to help buyers see the full potential of your home.


Before this health crisis, entryways did not exactly top buyers’ ‘make-or-break’ lists. But because of our new awareness around keeping outside contaminants out of our private spaces, having a mudroom or a dedicated entryway has never been more important. It’s the perfect place to can stash your dirty shoes, hang up your jackets, clothing, masks, and other belongings for disinfection. It can also be a decontamination station for potentially infected packages, disposable masks and gloves, reusable grocery bags, and even takeout bags to avoid carrying dirt and viruses into your living quarters. 

If there’s no mudroom or entryway, an easy solution is to create a dedicated place in the garage or on the front porch. You can install a pegboard wall where you can add hooks, shelves, and storage bins to hold sanitizers, disinfectant wipes, and other cleaning supplies. Adding a bench or a seating area with cubbies will also be more appealing, as many people want to remove their shoes before entering the home.


Kitchens are the heart of the home. With the lockdown inhibiting our ability to go out to restaurants and many of us eating more meals than ever at home, we’re becoming more acquainted with our kitchens as we prepare and cook several meals a day. This is why it’s expected that future homeowners will have more interest toward kitchens that are spacious enough for the family to cook and hang out together. They should also be equipped with high-quality and efficient appliances, such as refrigerators and ovens, as energy consumption has no double increased since the stay-at-home orders have been put in place.

Likewise, a bigger pantry or alternative food storage will be critical for storing more food and non-perishables, so people can cut back on the number of grocery store trips they have to make.


The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us that the safest place we can be is at home. And that includes our outdoor living spaces, where we can have some fresh air and bask in sunlight without leaving our properties.

This is why more people will be looking for homes with outdoor space, whether it be a larger yard, a covered front porch or a simple balcony. In fact, in a recent survey from on what homeowners wish they could change about their home to make it more liveable while sheltering in, 9% of respondents wanted to add a yard or patio. Having plenty of outdoor space is also ideal for those who want to start a small garden and try their hand at urban gardening. Even a small balcony in condos or townhomes can be a huge advantage in the market. No matter the size of the property, buyers want an outdoor space where they can take a much-needed mental break and enjoy the great outdoors without leaving their home.


Future homeowners will certainly keep the lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic in mind when searching for homes. If a family member has caught the virus and needs to self-isolate, sharing a bathroom with other family members could be dangerous. Having an additional bathroom can be critical in keeping germs from spreading.

And just like after the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, even a half-bathroom (which was once considered a waste of space!) is now a necessity. It’s where you can direct visitors to wash their hands first before walking further into your home, or if they need to use the loo but you don’t want them using the family bathroom.



You don’t have to put your plans on hold.

While it’s certainly not ‘business as usual’, our team is dedicated to helping our clients stay on track with their 2020 real estate goals, while protecting the health and safety of our clients, our team, and the global community. Read our new Guide to Buying & Selling During COVID-19 to learn about how we’re changing the way we do real estate, for good.